So today is the 1st of June 2013. On the 1st of March approximately 92 days ago I started a 90 Day challenge. For those who follow my video blog (Youtube channel Sarah Alonge) or follow me on instagram (Itsalonge_x) would know that I was doing a clean eating challenge!
I promised everyone that I would upload a picture of me on the 1st of June. When I say I was bricking it!! Lol although I know many of you would have already scrolled down to view the picture or have seen it on my insta, I am secretly hoping all of your computer's, Tablets or phones that you are reading this on just freezes!! Like right now....but of course that's not going to happen!
Well TBH I looked at the picture and sent it to some of my friends and even showed it to the females at the NWM (Nothing Without Me) meeting on Thursday. But to put it on the World Wide Web was a bit much for me.
Suddenly shame crept in... 'Oh sarah if you put that up people are gonna see the rolls on your belly and the back fat'. I started to think all the negative thoughts that held me back from trying to be healthy in the past!! then it was all about lose weight by diet pills, not eating you name it!!
And then a little voice came. The most peaceful voice ever and it said 'you Sarah have no fear and no shame'....Funnily enough the message at our NWM meeting (Our next meeting is June 13th for more info on NWM send me an email was fear! and that was replaying over n over also! so the whole way through typing this blog entry I have been saying it over and over again until I have accepted and believed it! And the fact that I am about to press submit scares me!! Yet I have so much peace!
This morning I woke up to so many comments on my insta and so many likes!! Even tweets and private messages!! I don't think you can truly understand how inspired you guys make me! I always say if its not constructive the chances are its destructive so watch what you say to people! But right from friends to family to people I barley know all the words I have received regarding my progress have been constructive and it inspires me to work hard to get to my goal in everything I do!!
Without the sermon lol this experience was something I'm never going to forget. And something I'm never going to end!!
So here we go!!!
This picture above is hilarious!! The 1st picture is April 2010 at my friend Dorothea's birthday! I remember feeling the bomb diggidy that day!!! 3 years on the picture on the right is April 2013
Second picture hmmmm well we thank God for this one!! The picture on the left is Sarah in May 2010. This was the 1st day we went to view our new church building!! in Salem London!!! I remember this day very clearly! I thought my swag was 500% I even did side pose lol. The second picture was May 2013 well Monday to be precise.
Now this is the picture that I was soooo scared to upload!!! I'm sitting here even thinking am I ok for uploading this?? I would never show so much flesh lol but for the purpose of showing my progress I decided to show the world what was hiding under my peplum top and skater dresses! the 1st picture was March 2013 2 weeks into my 90 day challenge! When I took this picture I was so confused at how it was possible. My belly was out of control n my waist just weren't saying much!! 3 weeks later I took the second picture. April 2013 and boy oh boy could I see the difference!! And this was just through healthy eating and cardio!
So the last picture is me now!! This was taken on the 30th of May 2013! I added weights to my work out because my body reached a Plato. I soon found out the importance of a full body work out! Cardio, weights, endurance, strength all of it!! which leads me to my next challenge...Details coming soon!
Anyway guys!! The main point I want to prove today is that anyone can lose weight and get healthy! My mate at work was telling me how much my energy levels have changed and how much healthier I look! the benefits go beyond dropping dress sizes! So get involved in the lifestyle change!!
This is me now....My Body is still not where I want it to be but boy oh boy am I getting closer! This is a bit of a selfie moment but check that Neckline though lol ain't seen that since I was like 3!!
2 stones Dropped (Muscle is heavier than fat so In the last 2 months I only lost 1 stone in comparison to a whole stone in March)
5 inches off my waist
6 inches off my stomach
4 inches of Back Fat and Love Handles
4 inches off my Inner Thigh
3 inches off my Outer Thigh
1 inch off my Arm (need to sort that out lol can't be letting me down man!)
1 inch and 1 roll off my Neck.
Till next time Guys....And check out the video blog later on today!!