All I want to do is Lose xx..... How many times do I hear people say this. Without being all academic lets break down this sentence. 'All'- refers to the extent of a particular thing. I- Well the word 'I' refers to yourself in the first person. 'Want'- Having a desire for something, 'to do'- action statement that you are actively doing something towards that goal. Lose- to be deprived of/ to cease to have something.
So really that statement basically mean I am depriving myself of this excess weight by actively doing something about it because I really want it!........But what happens when that just gets LONG?!
I haven't blogged in a long while but I had to blog this!! I woke up this morning and the 1st thing that came to my mind well after God and Toni Braxton was I need to lose 2 stones!! For all those who have been following my journey, you have seen me go from the picture on the left to the one on the right in 90 days...(well by the time I took the picture on the right 110 days).
Now do not get me wrong! I am still over the moon by my constant weight loss. The other day I saw someone who I haven't seen for a long time and they just went on and on about it. But what happens when you want more? what happens when the weight is coming off but just at a slower rate than you expected?
It is easy to beat yourself up about your weight. Sooo easy! I mean before I took the active steps to lose weight, I lost about 3 stones with my mind and another 2 with the lip service I did speaking about it so much.
But let me tell you something so real!! You will NOT lose weight thinking about it, talking about it or being jealous of someone else who has lost weight. What that would do it get you depressed, make you feel worse about yourself and make you believe there is no hope!
How much work are you willing to put in? Right now I am doing my master and I thank God cause boy have I learnt some things about myself!! for the past couple of weeks Sleep has been a luxury! Its not that I couldn't afford to sleep but one day I had to stop myself and say that I am willing to do all I can to ace this!
5 months ago I stopped myself and said I am willing to do everything I can to lose this weight! The point I am trying to make is you have to be willing. No one can force you to eat good or work out. I have learnt that I can't force people to want to be healthy! Do NOT believe the HYPE. All these diets that have poor to no nutrition may get you skinny but eventually they will make you sick. I am just keeping it real!
I am not going to sit here and tell you the benefits of being healthy. I will however let you in on a secret! 7 months ago I was diagnosed with a Gastrointestinal disorder. Now when I say this ish had me in pain and taking medication 4 times a day I am not telling any lies lol. All the doctor kept saying is..'it is not that serious now but it can be' she then went on to tell me 'it is not curable but it is treatable'. All i kept saying is the Devil is a LIAR! I am 22 and I have absolutely no time to be unhealthy! Well I am happy to say that from March 2013-July 2013 I had not one flare up and did not use my medication for one day!
In August however...I had my 1st flare up in over 4 months (but thats because I got Dairy happy) and instead of it lasting days and at times weeks on end, the pain went within 24 hours! and this was all because of my new healthy Diet.
You do not know when your body will decide to show you what you have been doing to abuse it! I pray that it never comes to that. But like all things Weight loss is about loving yourself enough to love the body God gave you.
So although I fell like It is getting long for me and I just want the results now!! I remember that to get to this point it took time! There are no quick fixes to perfect health.
So here are some TIPS
- Set yourself realistic Goals. ( Don't set yourself up by aiming to lose 12 pounds in one week! In your first week of a healthy life change you can lose up to 5lbs+ and then 2-3lbs a week thereafter) I have a new challenge to Lose 2.5 stones from now till November 30th doing it correctly means I will lose on average 2lbs a week- this time last year that would have been my goal for 30 days.
- Take baby steps - If you are a sweets, chocolate and fried food junkie who hates to work out. Begin by cutting your sugar intake gradually and working out 2x a week. DO NOT wake up one morning and clear out your fridge turn vegetarian and anti-rice and work out 6x a week. You can of course make those changes but give your body but more importantly your MIND time to get use to this change. After weening yourself off these things then GO IN. (took me 5 weeks to ween myself off my guilty foods before I started my 90 day challenge)
- Detox - Find a detox that works for you and once in while clear out your system. It activates weight loss and helps you to feel good!
- Make yourself your Slimspiration - For those who do not know get to know! A slimspiration is your slim inspiration. Mark your progress through before and after pictures. Looking at someone else's picture is good and inspiring but nothing beats seeing where you have come from to where you are now to insure you that where you are going to be in the future is better.
- Get rid of the cheat Fridays- I personally hate cheat fridays or any weekly cheat day! I mean cheating once in 30 days I can deal with. (I had 1/8 of a slice of Cake on Sunday and it felt good) but before the cheating comes in earn it with results and once you cheat you best make it right and work extra hard and eat all them greens to balance it out! Moderation is Key!
It took more than one Day to GAIN IT! it'll take More that one day to lose it! Don't give up!
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Now gimme a kiss 'Steevie J Voice' |
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