Monday 8 July 2013

Chicken Breast served with steamed Broccoli and Spinach with Mushrooms in a spicy Tomato stew.

(I have also had this meal with Salmon and it Tasted FAB!!!)


2 chicken Breast
6 mushrooms
120g of fresh spinach
1 tin Plum tomato
sea salt
Cajun seasoning
1 Scotch Bonnet
1 Red onion
1 Maggi cube
Olive Oil 
1 Garlic Clove for Sauce
1 Garlic Clove for Chicken

Steamer- Use a Pot with a Lid if you do not have a steamer.
Frying Pan 

1. Season chicken Breast with Garlic, Cajun seasoning and some sea salt. Leave to marinate for Minimum 20 Minutes for Maximum taste.
2. Grease a Pot with Olive oil and heat it up. 
3. Spicy Sauce- Blend the tin or Tomato, scotch bonnet and onion together. Blend for a few second and not until the combination is consistent.
4. Pour the Blended ingredients into the Greased Pot and put the Lid on. Steam on a Low temperature for 20 minutes and then add the one Maggi cube, Garlic and some sea salt. Continue to steam for 10 minutes
5. Whist sauce is steaming, place the chicken in the Grill/ George Foreman
6. Steam the Broccoli- This can be done in a steamer or by steaming it in a covered Pot with 5 table spoons of water On a low heat for 7 minutes.
7. Drizzle a Frying Pan with olive oil and fry the Mushrooms until they are brown.
8. Once the Mushroom is done, Add the Mushrooms, steamed Broccoli and the uncooked Spinach to the sauce. Cook it for an additional 5-10 Minutes
9. Serve the Chicken Breast and the Veg and you are ready to go!!

To carb or not to Carb??

I always tell people you can't cut Carbs out of your diet. It may make you slimmer a bit quicker but it doesn't make you healthier...Why look good but feel bad? Well if you don't believe me this is what the NHS have to say

I always say slow progress is better than no progress!! And right now I feel like progress could really do with a kick up the backside and hurry up lol but it wont stop me from being healthy cause I feel great!!

Some days I lay off the Carbs and it doesn't have a negative effect per say. However my energy levels are just thumbs all the way down. Carbs are a natural energy source. SO to avoid being tired at work, uni, college doing your work out or whatever you do through out the day eat them Carbs boo!!

And let me put it out there right from now! Eat carbs as part of a balanced diet! Nothing justifies eating white rice 3x a day 5x a week!! We may be reading this and think no one does that lol but ooooo it would Shock you!!

So here are some good Carbs for you..

Sweet Potato (eat it with the skin for more fibre)
Wholemeal bread
Seeded Bread
Brown Pasta
Brown Rice
Cous Cous
Fibre Based Cereals

Also when eating Carbs Portion control is key. Always have more veg and protein! Its not normal that we eat carbs and then fall asleep. Reason that happens is because the body doesn't need the amount of Carbs you give it it stores it in your system and causes a shut down.

Anyway I hope this has been useful to some.