Friday 27 September 2013

Next steps

So I am writing this blog for the second time because my first entry thought it would be acceptable to delete it self! *tears*

Well I hope this one is better than the first! So this post is called next steps!! I truly believe that the life we live is not our own! I mean this last month so many crazy things have happend! Things I could have never predicted! Some things that happen are truly amazing and others well maybe not but whatever happens one of the questions you ask is what next? 

So what does this have to do with healthy eating and weightLoss? Everything!! I'm at that point where I have lost weight... Not enough weight but of course quite a bit of weight lol and I often ask myself what next. No matter what happens in our life the way we feel will ultimately affect how we respond to situations! Aside from the physical benefits of a healthy lifestyle, it has emotional and psychological benefits too! So be you a size 16 or a size 8 what you put in your body is important!! 

There is absolutely no time for being complacent. Have you ever heard the saying I stay hungry even when I am full? Well please do not take that saying literally if you're full stop eating! But jokes aside I love that saying! It literally means that even when you reach the top aim higher! You can never be too healthy! But for those who are losing weight you CAN be too slim so do not confuse the two.

I am starting a next step in my life.... Well two! One starts today and the other starts in December. In December I hope to start my new journal called 90 days to a lifetime. Hopefully by Gods grace it will be a book! I'm not where I would ideally want to be however I am happy! In this process God has used me to motivate people...lil fat me motivating people to get healthy be fit and get lean!

My second and my immediate next step starts today!! It's called 88 days to Christmas! Yup very basic name that came to me when I realised how many days we had until Christmas lol! I wrote in my last blog entry that I need to loose over 2 stones before the end of the year... Yes I said need but really it's is a want..but for now let me just say need (makes it more urgent)

Hard work can not be simplified. If we want results we have got to work for those results. I have worked and seen results but I think I got a bit comfortable so here it goes... 

No more sweets- well I don't personally use my own money to buy sweets but what happens is someone offers me a sweet I say 'no thank you' I literally go home feeling well pleased with myself. I open the door and see that my brother has blessed my niece and nephew with some sweets! They now say aunty Sarah do you want a sweetie? I say go on then only to look at my belly a week later and see that really it has gone on somewhere. 

No more fizzy drinks- well I thank God that I don't drink fizzy anymore! All that sugar is dangerous however let me just confess now that after 4 months of no fizzy drinks I had a fizzy lemonade at my besties birthday last week... Sigh 

No more cheat days- 88 days of no cheating isn't for the faint hearted however the reward is beautiful! On the 25 of December 2013 you can eat what you want! I say that confidently because 88 days of healthy living will mean a cheat day for you will be a healthy day for the average joe! But you will still look good, feel good and there will be no reprocautions. 

No fried food- well it is a known fact that Sarah does not eat fried food... However a certain Mr who will go unnamed decided it would be acceptable to order Chinese at stupid o'clock of course I was like I'm not having none of that... But then I got hungry and got a pancake roll ok 2 pancake rolls! And yes they are deep fried!! 

It's all coming out now ey! 

Anyway I think I'm done with the no mores! 

Ok one more I have a personal one that some people don't always agree with but no more red meat. It just takes longer to digest. I'm proud to say that until that pancake roll and the shaky I consumed 2 days ago (if you do not know what shaky is google it lol) I do not eat red meat and it's been amazing! Just chicken turkey and fish for me please :) 

Ok now here are the starts ( no more sounds a bit serious )

Start drinking 1.5lt of water daily after the 1st 4 weeks increase it to 2ltrs 
Chances are it will be harder than usual because of the change of season so here is a suggestion drink infused water. Add some fresh lemon, lime, ginger, lemongrass anything healthy n good to some hot water. It still counts to your water intake. 

Start adding greens to every meal- greens are just good in itself. I don't think an explanation is really needed for this one 

Start working out 4 x a week- now if you can't fit in the gym, JOG! Find a jogging partner and jog! If you can't do that then do a home work out! There are plenty of good work out videos on YouTube email me for some of the ones I use! 

Also I recommend the ap nike running for joggers and Sworkit for great workout regimes - available at AppStore and Android both are free!

Start writing down what you eat- I use to hate the idea of a food journal but let me tell you something a slim body which is not healthy is like a Bentley with no wheels. Where you going to? When you change your diet your body may reject certain things. When you write this down you will be able to tell what your body does or does not agree with. 

Start using my juice recipes and get juiced up!! 

Start believing- you can do it! Sounds cheesy but hey ain't it the truth! Look at Jennifer Hudson does she have two heads? Nope! But she did it! Stop thinking you can't do it cause it ain't happening as fast as you want it and start setting realistic goals! And remember take them before and after pictures! Best motivatior is your self! 

Anyway guys join me on this journey!! I have found that my work out regimes and eating plans do not work for everyone so find out what works for you!! These tips are a foundation which I believe will benefit everyone!!! We got 88 days to see a difference woop woop!! Good luck everyone!! 

Friday 23 August 2013

All I want to do is lose 2 stones!!!

All I want to do is Lose xx..... How many times do I hear people say this. Without being all academic lets break down this sentence. 'All'- refers to the extent of a particular thing. I- Well the word 'I' refers to yourself in the first person. 'Want'- Having a desire for something, 'to do'- action statement that you are actively doing something towards that goal. Lose- to be deprived of/ to cease to have something. 

So really that statement basically mean I am depriving myself of this excess weight by actively doing something about it because I really want it!........But what happens when that just gets LONG?! 

I haven't blogged in a long while but I had to blog this!! I woke up this morning and the 1st thing that came to my mind well after God and Toni Braxton was I need to lose 2 stones!! For all those who have been following my journey, you have seen me go from the picture on the left to the one on the right in 90 days...(well by the time I took the picture on the right 110 days). 

Now do not get me wrong!  I am still over the moon by my constant weight loss. The other day I saw someone who I haven't seen for a long time and they just went on and on about it. But what happens when you want more? what happens when the weight is coming off but just at a slower rate than you expected? 

It is easy to beat yourself up about your weight. Sooo easy! I mean before I took the active steps to lose weight, I lost about 3 stones with my mind and another 2 with the lip service I did speaking about it so much. 
But let me tell you something so real!! You will NOT lose weight thinking about it, talking about it or being jealous of someone else who has lost weight. What that would do it get you depressed, make you feel worse about yourself and make you believe there is no hope! 
How much work are you willing to put in? Right now I am doing my master and I thank God cause boy have I learnt some things about myself!! for the past couple of weeks Sleep has been a luxury! Its not that I couldn't afford to sleep but one day I had to stop myself and say that I am willing to do all I can to ace this! 
5 months ago I stopped myself and said I am willing to do everything I can to lose this weight! The point I am trying to make is you have to be willing. No one can force you to eat good or work out. I have learnt that I can't force people to want to be healthy! Do NOT believe the HYPE. All these diets that have poor to no nutrition may get you skinny but eventually they will make you sick. I am just keeping it real

I am not going to sit here and tell you the benefits of being healthy. I will however let you in on a secret! 7 months ago I was diagnosed with a Gastrointestinal disorder. Now when I say this ish had me in pain and taking medication 4 times a day I am not telling any lies lol. All the doctor kept saying is..'it is not that serious now but it can be' she then went on to tell me 'it is not curable but it is treatable'. All i kept saying is the Devil is a LIAR! I am 22 and I have absolutely no time to be unhealthy! Well I am happy to say that from March 2013-July 2013 I had not one flare up and did not use my medication for one day! 
In August however...I had my 1st flare up in over 4 months (but thats because I got Dairy happy) and instead of it lasting days and at times weeks on end, the pain went within 24 hours! and this was all because of my new healthy Diet
You do not know when your body will decide to show you what you have been doing to abuse it! I pray that it never comes to that. But like all things Weight loss is about loving yourself enough to love the body God gave you. 

So although I fell like It is getting long for me and I just want the results now!! I remember that to get to this point it took time! There are no quick fixes to perfect health. 
So here are some TIPS
  1. Set yourself realistic Goals. ( Don't set yourself up by aiming to lose 12 pounds in one week! In your first week of a healthy life change you can lose up to 5lbs+ and then 2-3lbs a week thereafter) I have a new challenge to Lose 2.5 stones from now till November 30th doing it correctly means I will lose on average 2lbs a week- this time last year that would have been my goal for 30 days. 
  2. Take baby steps - If you are a sweets, chocolate and fried food junkie who hates to work out. Begin by cutting your sugar intake gradually and working out 2x a week. DO NOT wake up one morning and clear out your fridge turn vegetarian and anti-rice and work out 6x a week. You can of course make those changes but give your body but more importantly your MIND time to get use to this change. After weening yourself off these things then GO IN. (took me 5 weeks to ween myself off my guilty foods before I started my 90 day challenge)
  3. Detox - Find a detox that works for you and once in while clear out your system. It activates weight loss and helps you to feel good! 
  4. Make yourself your Slimspiration - For those who do not know get to know! A slimspiration is your slim inspiration. Mark your progress through before and after pictures. Looking at someone else's picture is good and inspiring but nothing beats seeing where you have come from to where you are now to insure you that where you are going to be in the future is better. 
  5. Get rid of the cheat Fridays- I personally hate cheat fridays or any weekly cheat day! I mean cheating once in 30 days I can deal with. (I had 1/8 of a slice of Cake on Sunday and it felt good) but before the cheating comes in earn it with results and once you cheat you best make it right and work extra hard and eat all them greens to balance it out! Moderation is Key!

It took more than one Day to GAIN IT! it'll take More that one day to lose it! Don't give up! 

Now gimme a kiss 'Steevie J Voice'

Monday 8 July 2013

Chicken Breast served with steamed Broccoli and Spinach with Mushrooms in a spicy Tomato stew.

(I have also had this meal with Salmon and it Tasted FAB!!!)


2 chicken Breast
6 mushrooms
120g of fresh spinach
1 tin Plum tomato
sea salt
Cajun seasoning
1 Scotch Bonnet
1 Red onion
1 Maggi cube
Olive Oil 
1 Garlic Clove for Sauce
1 Garlic Clove for Chicken

Steamer- Use a Pot with a Lid if you do not have a steamer.
Frying Pan 

1. Season chicken Breast with Garlic, Cajun seasoning and some sea salt. Leave to marinate for Minimum 20 Minutes for Maximum taste.
2. Grease a Pot with Olive oil and heat it up. 
3. Spicy Sauce- Blend the tin or Tomato, scotch bonnet and onion together. Blend for a few second and not until the combination is consistent.
4. Pour the Blended ingredients into the Greased Pot and put the Lid on. Steam on a Low temperature for 20 minutes and then add the one Maggi cube, Garlic and some sea salt. Continue to steam for 10 minutes
5. Whist sauce is steaming, place the chicken in the Grill/ George Foreman
6. Steam the Broccoli- This can be done in a steamer or by steaming it in a covered Pot with 5 table spoons of water On a low heat for 7 minutes.
7. Drizzle a Frying Pan with olive oil and fry the Mushrooms until they are brown.
8. Once the Mushroom is done, Add the Mushrooms, steamed Broccoli and the uncooked Spinach to the sauce. Cook it for an additional 5-10 Minutes
9. Serve the Chicken Breast and the Veg and you are ready to go!!

To carb or not to Carb??

I always tell people you can't cut Carbs out of your diet. It may make you slimmer a bit quicker but it doesn't make you healthier...Why look good but feel bad? Well if you don't believe me this is what the NHS have to say

I always say slow progress is better than no progress!! And right now I feel like progress could really do with a kick up the backside and hurry up lol but it wont stop me from being healthy cause I feel great!!

Some days I lay off the Carbs and it doesn't have a negative effect per say. However my energy levels are just thumbs all the way down. Carbs are a natural energy source. SO to avoid being tired at work, uni, college doing your work out or whatever you do through out the day eat them Carbs boo!!

And let me put it out there right from now! Eat carbs as part of a balanced diet! Nothing justifies eating white rice 3x a day 5x a week!! We may be reading this and think no one does that lol but ooooo it would Shock you!!

So here are some good Carbs for you..

Sweet Potato (eat it with the skin for more fibre)
Wholemeal bread
Seeded Bread
Brown Pasta
Brown Rice
Cous Cous
Fibre Based Cereals

Also when eating Carbs Portion control is key. Always have more veg and protein! Its not normal that we eat carbs and then fall asleep. Reason that happens is because the body doesn't need the amount of Carbs you give it it stores it in your system and causes a shut down.

Anyway I hope this has been useful to some.

Saturday 1 June 2013

June 1st: The beginning of a New chapter

So today is the 1st of June 2013. On the 1st of March approximately 92 days ago I started a 90 Day challenge. For those who follow my video blog (Youtube channel Sarah Alonge) or follow me on instagram (Itsalonge_x) would know that I was doing a clean eating challenge!

I promised everyone that I would upload a picture of me on the 1st of June. When I say I was bricking it!! Lol although I know many of you would have already scrolled down to view the picture or have seen it on my insta, I am secretly hoping all of your computer's, Tablets or phones that you are reading this on just freezes!! Like right now....but of course that's not going to happen!
Well TBH I looked at the picture and sent it to some of my friends and even showed it to the females at the NWM (Nothing Without Me) meeting on Thursday. But to put it on the World Wide Web was a bit much for me.
Suddenly shame crept in... 'Oh sarah if you put that up people are gonna see the rolls on your belly and the back fat'. I started to think all the negative thoughts that held me back from trying to be healthy in the past!! then it was all about lose weight by diet pills, not eating you name it!!

And then a little voice came. The most peaceful voice ever and it said 'you Sarah have no fear and no shame'....Funnily enough the message at our NWM meeting (Our next meeting is June 13th for more info on NWM send me an email was fear! and that was replaying over n over also! so the whole way through typing this blog entry I have been saying it over and over again until I have accepted and believed it! And the fact that I am about to press submit scares me!! Yet I have so much peace!

This morning I woke up to so many comments on my insta and so many likes!! Even tweets and private messages!! I don't think you can truly understand how inspired you guys make me! I always say if its not constructive the chances are its destructive so watch what you say to people! But right from friends to family to people I barley know all the words I have received regarding my progress have been constructive and it inspires me to work hard to get to my goal in everything I do!!
Without the sermon lol this experience was something I'm never going to forget. And something I'm never going to end!!

So here we go!!!
This picture above is hilarious!! The 1st picture is April 2010 at my friend Dorothea's birthday! I remember feeling the bomb diggidy that day!!! 3 years on the picture on the right is April 2013

Second picture hmmmm well we thank God for this one!! The picture on the left is Sarah in May 2010. This was the 1st day we went to view our new church building!! in Salem London!!! I remember this day very clearly! I thought my swag was 500% I even did side pose lol. The second picture was May 2013 well Monday to be precise.
Now this is the picture that I was soooo scared to upload!!! I'm sitting here even thinking am I ok for uploading this?? I would never show so much flesh lol but for the purpose of showing my progress I decided to show the world what was hiding under my peplum top and skater dresses! the 1st picture was March 2013 2 weeks into my 90 day challenge! When I took this picture I was so confused at how it was possible. My belly was out of control n my waist just weren't saying much!! 3 weeks later I took the second picture. April 2013 and boy oh boy could I see the difference!! And this was just through healthy eating and cardio!
So the last picture is me now!! This was taken on the 30th of May 2013! I added weights to my work out because my body reached a Plato. I soon found out the importance of a full body work out! Cardio, weights, endurance, strength all of it!! which leads me to my next challenge...Details coming soon!

Anyway guys!! The main point I want to prove today is that anyone can lose weight and get healthy! My mate at work was telling me how much my energy levels have changed and how much healthier I look! the benefits go beyond dropping dress sizes! So get involved in the lifestyle change!!

This is me now....My Body is still not where I want it to be but boy oh boy am I getting closer! This is a bit of a selfie moment but check that Neckline though lol ain't seen that since I was like 3!!
2 stones Dropped (Muscle is heavier than fat so In the last 2 months I only lost 1 stone in comparison to a whole stone in March)
5 inches off my waist
6 inches off my stomach
4 inches of Back Fat and Love Handles
4 inches off my Inner Thigh
3 inches off my Outer Thigh
1 inch off my Arm (need to sort that out lol can't be letting me down man!)
1 inch and 1 roll off my Neck. 

Till next time Guys....And check out the video blog later on today!!

Tuesday 28 May 2013

Treat yourself!! Dessert time baby!!

Well I haven't got much of a sweet tooth myself... But I do however love the occasional treat!!

It's spring time's meant to be and sometimes you just want a big old bowl of ice cream...or it's movie night and you want to stuff your face with some chocolate and cookies!!

I'm sorry to say that I can't find an alternative to stuffing your face but I can't find one for some healthy cookies and a frozen desert!!

So lets get deserting!

I'm gonna start off with a very need for the ingredients recipe!
Frozen yogurt and fresh fruit!
Now everything I eat has a story behind it was a Thursday night and I just came back from the gym. I wasn't working the following day and I never had any meetings or lectures so that night was my chill night...I had some women issues (use your imagination to guess what issues I am in about) and I was craving some ice cream!! Like really craving it!! Now my plan was to go to sleep and move on but of course that never happened!! So I jumped in my car and went to Sainsbury's with a plan!
#PlanGetAllTheHealthySnacksAndOverdose.... Well luckily I never did know everything in moderation and all! 
Instead I walked straight to the freezer and picked up the 1% fat you moo frozen yogurt!(if you go to pinkberry you can get the fat free tub) It was £3.49 for a 750ml tub of guilt free pleasure. Picked up a banana to go with it and walaaaa

Flavours available - vanilla, strawberry, tropical and berry

(Btw I have decided to purchase my very own frozen yogurt maker. I will let you know what I think once the bad boy is in my arms)

Peanut butter oatmeal chocolate chip Oatmeal cookies.

Now that is one long title!!....if you like cookies then this cookie it certainly something you should try! if however you are allergic to peanut butter or by some confusion in your taste buds just don't like it then I afraid this cookie is not an option for you.

Before I start let me shout out my mate Larry who I borrowed this recipe and the picture from! He baked it and Sarah ate it. Nom Nom Nom

  • 1 cup Peanut Butter
  • 1/3 cup packed dark brown sugar
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla
  • 2 eggs
  • 2/3 cup rolled oats
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/3 cup chocolate chips 
  1.  Preheat the over gas mark 7
  2. Mix baking soda and the oats in a bowl 
  3. Beat the Peanut butter, Eggs, Vanilla and sugar until it is smooth. Add the chocolate chips
  4. Mix all the ingredients together 
  5. Roll the mix into a small ball and put it on you baking tray. 
  6. Bake for 10 minutes 
Equipment - Baking tray, Mixing Bowls

Makes 20 Cookies.
And wallllaaa your flour-less, No butter Low in Fat, High in Protein and Fiber Tasty Cookies

Friday 17 May 2013

Get Juiced Up!!

 New Detox Juice!!!

Last week I needed a Detox. I typically don't like Detox tea and I wasn't about to spend lots of money of Detox products. So instead I decided to make this Amazingly Yummy Detox Juice.
So here is the Ingredients....

130g of Spinach
1 red apple
1 frozen Banana
7 grapes
150ml of freshly squeezed Orange Juice
Fresh lemon

What makes this a detox is the Spinach, Orange Juice and Fresh Lemon. the rest of the ingredients are there for its natural sugars to give it a yummy taste.

Green Berry!!- YUMMY YUMMY YUMMY!!

This Juice right here was just DIVINE!!!!

I call it the Green Berry Juice because its but Full of Berrys.

130g Spinach
1 frozen Banana
3 Strawberrys
1 red apple
7 grapes

This has been Hands down my tastiest Juice. This and My detox Juice!! Try it out and let me know what you think!!

The fact is Juicing is good for your health. Packed with enzymes, vitamin E,  Iron, copper, potassium, calcium, sodium, iodine, and magnesium; whats not to love about a fresh fruit and Veg Juice. 

For the past 2 months I have been juicing away with my beautiful Andrew James Juicer (picture above). RRP price £99.95 but of course I got it brand new off Amazon for £31.99!
If you do not have a juicer use a blender and sieve the juice into a cup ;)

I am going to share some of my favorite Juices with you.

Summer time Fly 
This Uber sweet and Tasty Juice is my Summer time fly Juice. Its refreshing, tasty and light and a great side to a lovely lunch.

I believe that every Juice should have some greens in it. But for those of you who do not like the look of greens and do not want to taste it this is a perfect Juice for you! with no added sugar but full of naturally sweet fruit, this is my sweetest Juice designed for all my sweet tooth Juicers.


1 orange
2 handfuls of frozen berrys
1 carrot
120g of spinach
50g of Kale
half of a banana (frozen or fresh)
1 handful of red seedless grapes.

Serves 1

All you have to do is put it into your juicer or blender and juice it until it is smooth!! Enjoy!!

                                                              Wake me Up Juice

Wake me Up Juice is the perfect Morning juice!! this green beauty is an iron Bursting explosion.
And oh if I may add it is very very tasty!!


2 table spoons of fat free yogurt 
2 carrots
100g of spinach
1 Banana
1 clementine
50g of Kale
1 Apple

Serves 1

This juice is nice and Thick and can be consumed as a mid morning Snack, Afternoon snack or Before a nice work out! But of course how or when you have it is up to you! (Although it is thick it's not suitable for a meal replacement. To make it a meal replacement add some oats to the mixture- Green Oats could be fun ey!)

                                                                     Berry Surprise

  This is another refreshing Juice! Taste and looks good! This Juice can also be made into an ice-lolly if you have a Popsicle maker. It's full of Vitamins and antioxidants. Enjoy!


3 handfuls of frozen berrys
3 strawberries
1 handful of blackcurrants
50g Spinach
50g Kale
1/2 lemon 
Ice Cubes 
                                                                  Green Juice

Now these are two different green juices! both look pretty green but one is sweeter than the other. 
Both juices contain almost 200g of greens. Now as you can tell I love Spinach and Kale. I haven't explored adding any other greens just yet. 

Ingredients for Juice 1 (left hand side)
200g of Spinach 
1 green apple 
2 oranges 
2 strawberry's  
Serves 1

Ingredients for Juice 2 (Right hand side)- Sweeter Juice

150g of Spinach 
1 bannana
2 oranges 
1 carrot
handful of grapes 
Serves 1

Both Juices are equally high in Iron and Calcium. If you are lactose intolerant or cutting back on Dairy raw Spinach juices are an amazing way to boost you calcium up. 

FAQ!!! - when is the best time to have a juice? My answer is anytime of the day! 
As stated above, some juices are good before or after a work out. 
Green juices especially are good for the bones and blood flow. For extra goodness to the bones throw in one baby sweet potato in there! I find that after an intensive work out my body is still pumped up! To get the blood circulating the way it needs to be and also to avoid that dizzy feeling you get, it is important to COOL DOWN after a work out (cool down exercises include stretching and gentle low speed cardio) and I believe that a green juice is the extra boost needed to get your blood pumping right! oh and if I may add! Greens have been proven to help speed Weight Loss!
(Pic of me above is over 20lb lighter than I was on the 1st of March Before and after pictures will be up soon)

Wonderfully Made

So I know this blog is suppose to be me sharing with you some of the food I eat to help me stay healthy. And it is!! But food is not just the meal you prepare but the substance inside of you! So just as it is important to eat your five a day and drink plenty of water it is also Important to feed your self with healthy FACTS!

For the past few days I have started a new regime! Every morning before I leave my house I look into the mirror and I say a scripture. Psalm 139v14. Now for those who may not know this scripture it says ' I will praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made, marvelous are your works and that my soul knows very well'

You see the fact is not everyone in this world would find you attractive! There are people in this world who you have looked at and though mate!! This guy or girl just ain't my cup of tea. After all the bible does say beauty is in the eye of the beholder. And despite us knowing that what person A finds beautiful is not beautiful to person B, we still shape our perception of our-self around the views of others. I was having a conversation with my friends older sister BTW check out her website and we where discussing how many females have basically morphed themselves into something that they are not based on what they see or believe is right. I mean if you fail at being you chances are you are going to fail at being something else. a mango will always taste sweet because its natural to the mango but if a lemon tried it #Fail!
I've said it before and I will say it again. Tall, short, big, small, medium what ever you are GOD did not make a mistake making you!
Live a healthy life to perfect your body not to change Who you are! Lose weight cause you want to not cause that guy you like only likes slim girls or cause that girl wants a guy with moving and not jiggly pecks.

Now STOP right there if you think I am saying go to the drive through and get a Big Mac cause you are happy the way you are or have accepted the way you are. Your body is a temple. Treat it like your palace. Clean it, maintain it and listen to it. Don't over feed it or starve it to satisfy a desire that isn't really what you WANT to do. Do what you need to do!

On that note guy you are all fearfully and wonderfully made and the next time someone tells you that you aren't tell them to discuss that with God!!

Monday 13 May 2013

Chicken Salad Fest

To some people it's like a bowl full of leaves...but it doesn't have to be!!
I mean salads where made to be fun, colorful and exciting! Well in my mind that's what's they are made to be and that's probably why I love them so much! I am going to share some of my favorite chicken salads with you guys! Hope u enjoy!!

Cajun chicken Salad. #Yum!


2 medium chicken breast.
Tea spoon Olive oil
Half tea spoon Black pepper
Half a tea spoon Sea salt
Tea spoon Cajun seasoning
Half tea spoon Paprika
Half tea spoon Mixed herbs
1 clove Garlic
Cherry tomatoes

Grill/George foreman
Chopping board

So this is such an easy, low fat and tasty salad!!
1.After washing the chicken Marinate you chicken with the Cajun seasoning, paprika, and black pepper,garlic and mixed herbs
2. Leave to Marinate for min of 30minutes ( I leave mine in the fridge to marinate ver night)
3.Cut up your veg and (drizzle olive oil Add sea salt and black pepper low fat and tasty dressing)
4.Place the marinated chicken on the grill after 10 minutes cut the breast in half and turn the chicken - grill for another 10minutes
5. Take the chicken out of the grill and serve with salad.


Cajun Chicken, spinach, broccoli, sweetcorn and avocado salad.

( The chicken is made the same as the previous salad)


Chicken breast
Cajun seasoning
Mixed herbs
Half of a large avocado
A bag of baby spinach
Half a tin of sweetcorn
7 Florets of Broccoli
Black pepper
Sea salt

1. Grill the chicken (follow guidelines for Cajun chicken above)
2. Steam the vegetables using a steamer. If you do not have a steamer add half a mug of water to a pot add broccoli first steam for 2 minutes then add the rest of the vegetables. Steam it with the lid on using a high temperature.
3. Once steamed chop your avocado up in the shape of your choice add it to the veg and add some sea salt and black pepper.
4. Serve the salad with the chicken and enjoy

Both Chicken Salads are quick and easy to make! And they make a good filling packed lunch Too.

Thursday 9 May 2013

90 day challenge

Hi guys those of you who know me will know that I have been doing a get clean look good 90 day challenge since the 1st of March 2013!! When I started this challenge I knew I would make it but I didn't know how fast it would go!!
With almost 2 stones dropped and baggy clothing later I can say I feel the best I have felt in a very long time!! Don't get me wrong it hasn't been the easiest things ever! Going out to eat was always the hardest! Checking the menu before I go and asking the waiter 100 questions is never the funniest thing to do!

So it's been over 60 days of no fried food, red meat ( well excluding 2 occasions), fizzy drink, milk chocolate, a very small dosage of white carbs, and lots of greens, juices and low fat food! So yeah I have made rather a few drastic but easy changes.

So I got a few messages asking me a bunch of questions! And although I VBlog I always forget to answer my questions!! So below are some FAQ!

What makes me so dedicated?

Well this question was a rather funny one as the person who asked me told me that they have tried a number of lose weight schemes but have yet to see any through! I guess I could answer a series of questions from that one statement.
So what makes me dedicated is me! I love me so much (vain I know) that when I started to face abdominal health challenges I knew I had to change the way I thought about food! Food isn't there just to be eaten as most Nigerians mum say but to provide you with nutrients needed to survive. Now please don't get me wrong food should be enjoyed, But enjoying and indulging are two very different things.
Aside from health implications lets be real I personally believed that I would look better slimmer. I often pictured myself a size 12 and not the size 16 I was when I started the challenge or the size 18 I was a few years ago. With the picture in my mind, my health being a priority and God on my side I was determined to see and feel results!
So if I had to advise you on how to stay determined, I would say
1) Have a 'slimsparartion' (Sarah's dictionary- definition: a person who has lost weight and is roughly the size you are aiming to be)
2) you need to want it! I once said to my friend the reason you aren't where you want to be is because it's not that important. Think about it like this revision is not fun most of the time but you do it anyway because you want to pass and pass well! It is important to you! Going to the gym and eating clean isn't always fun but you do it cause you have to! Stop making it an option!
3) be accountable to someone. I did a video blog so everyone I know and their cousin knows I am eating clean n trying to lose weight! I mean let me not lie having all eyes on you is annoying! But it means I can be encouraged and chances are every time I eat someone I know is watching my plate. Now I'm not saying expose yourself on the Internet lol but tell at least one person or better yet get someone to join in to!

Do I work out?

Yes yes and yes!! Fact is if I didn't work out I would have probably fallen off the wagon! Some days I can't walk after the gym! Do you think after that I would pick up a chocolate bar or crack open my dearly beloved high in sugar ginger beer! Ain't no body gat time for that! And after a gym session ain't no body got time for FAT!
Aside from that Gym keeps you toned up! Saggy skin is not cute lol. A bit of cardio, weights, strength 3-4x a week and you are good to go!!

Have I wanted to quit?

The honest answer is no! Purely because I always think back to the 'Why'

What is my target size?

Ahhhh I do not know lol all I know is that I want to look and feel good. At the moment I am a size 14 I would love to lose about 2 more stones! (Hence why this wont be ending on the 1st of June lol) but as my friends sister said to me today the scales are not the best indicator of weight loss. Try on a pair of your jeans or trousers!! But yeah back to the question when I get to a size 12 I will see how I feel.

If you have any questions you would like me to answer comment below or email me

Monday 6 May 2013

Sweet Potato dishes

Food for thought.

Did you know that even a small sweet potato will give you 284% of your RDA of antioxidant beta-carotene. I bet you didn't know that cause you don't know what beta-carotene is. Well neither did I. Beta -carotene is a non toxic form of vitamin A. Vitamin A is good for your bones which is no surprise why sweet potato is a good post work out meal.


One large or two small sweet potatoes
Two tea spoons of olive oil
Black pepper

One backing trey
Chopping board

Sweet potato skins with chilli chicken winglets

Step one

Slice the potato (with the skin on )

Step two

Preheat the oven to 180c and grease your baking tray

Step three
slice the potato

Step 4
Put olive oil, paprika, and black pepper on the potato and mix it

Step 5

Put the potato on the tray and use a fork to pierce it. Place the potatoes in the oven and bake it for 40 minutes

Cooking time 40 minutes

Chicken winglets


Chicken wings, paprika, chilli sauce, sea salt, garlic, mixed herbs, extra virgin olive oil, black pepper, lemon juice


  1. Bowl, baking tray, knife, chopping board

Cooking time -40 mins

Step one
Wash the chicken with some lemon juice and preheat the oven to 180c and Grease your baking tray

Step two

Cut the chicken wings into winglets

Step three

Season the chicken with the sea salt, black pepper, paprika, mixed herbs and garlic

Step four

Put the seasoned chicken on the tray and bake for 20 minutes

After 20 minutes add the chilli sauce to the chicken and bake the chicken for an additional 20minutes

This dish is ideal for sharing and finger picking. Serve with cherry tomatoes and cucumber for a refreshing spring lunch

Sweet potato wedges

Step one
Skin the Potato and then rinse them two times over

Step two
Preheat the oven to 180c and grease your baking tray

Step three
slice the potato

Step 4
Put olive oil, paprika, and black pepper on the potato and mix it

Step 5

Put the potato on the tray and use a fork to pierce it. Place the potatoes in the oven and bake it for 40 minutes

Preparation time 40 minutes

For a quick and easy dish eat it with a low fat dip or serve with eggs and vegetables

Saturday 4 May 2013

Call me Alonge

Hi guys!! I am going to start off this post by introducing myself :)
My name is Sarah Alonge but you can call me Alonge and I am a female (I bet that's Obvious) I am in my early twenties (22 to be precise) trying to be the cleanest but the 'fun-nest' eater that london has seen! Bit of a long shot I know! but someone once said 'if you aren't afraid of your dreams then you are not dreaming big enough'...I wish I could verify the original source of that quote lol but like many of the wise words I come across this popped up on my twitter Time line.

This blog will share with you recipes (my own and borrowed) of healthy, fun and filling food!!! but also give you tips on how to make your favourite dishes with half the fat and calories!
Don't get me wrong I am not the Gok Wan of the Kitchen (yet) neither am I a nutritionist. But over 2 months into my 3 month healthy eating and weight loss challenge I am seeing great results! So great that I have decided to make this a lifestyle change.....So lets let go of the french fries and cruise along to the Mediterranean salads....So Without further ado this is me!

For one second I will be a make up and outfit blogger...Silk Shirt From Vera Moda, Waist Belt From Asos and Skirt From New Look..Oh and make up From Mac..well mostly (Nc50 Foundation, Rubywoo lippy, Nc40 pro longwear concealer) 

On the 90th day of my challenge i will put up a before and after picture. But just so you can see where i am coming from here is a progress picture that I instagramed a few weeks back.

As you can see I have trouser shopping to do! These where my favourite mid waist trousers from Zara in a size 16. 
One of the greatest things about clean eating is knowledge on what foods cause excess body fat! My stomach was always an issue..even when I gymed I would lose weight but my belly was always so hard to go. Now don't get me wrong there is still way more pop that needs to go!  But inches smaller, I can honestly say that changes to my food really had a dramatic effect on my stomach and waist.